
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Will you buy my stickers?

I'm always looking for a way to make a quick buck. Of course, only legally! A few years ago, before Lily was born, I went to eBay to make my fortunes. Well I didn't make a fortune, but I got rid of a lot of a nice junk. One of the things that blew my mind was being able to see my KROQ stickers. Now let me further explain, KROQ stickers are usually found at KROQ Concerts, KROQ events, in KROQ Calendars, and lastly at local restaurants. I was never fond of car decoration, nor do I have a need to adorn my notebooks or bedroom doors with the stickers. However I was able to con someone into purchasing what they deemed was $9.00 worth of KROQ stickers. If memory serves me it was like 4 or 5 stickers. But c'mon, I didn't do anything to earn these decals. I just didn't throw them away after six months, or 10 months, or 3 years. So here I am, at it again. Trying to sell these cool adhesive graphics. Want to check out? KROQ Sticker Auction. Feel free to bid, I take no shame in accepting pity bids from friends and family. And if you really want them... I have more! MWAHAHAHAHA

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