The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club. Good thing for me that I'm not in a Fight Club, I'm actually kind of in between Fight Clubs, if you have one I can join, leave a comment as to when and where, I'll bring muffins. But what does Fight Club, or Tyler Durden have to do with Johnny Knoxville or even Jack Ass?
Tonight on MTV Jackass 3.5 appears on the big screen, if you have a big screen television in your home, you can also purchase Jackass 3.5: The Unrated Movie
. The Jackass franchise has helped to take the Music out of MTV and replace it with buffoonery that has been featured in movie theaters with 3 different editions. Knoxville again was on the World Famous KROQ 106.7 in Los Angeles on the not so World Famous Kevin and Bean Show. Amongst other things, Knoxville talked about Jackass 3.5 on the show.
Going back to last year, before the Jackass 3 premier, the Jackass boys took to radio, print, and television to promote the films. And the same consistent message came through with each interview. Each Jackass said something eerily familiar. Something along the lines of "we know its going to hurt, but we do it to get that reaction out of Knoxville." Or "we know the stunt went well is Knoxville is laughing."
In Tyler we trust? In the movie Fight Club, men from their 40s to as young as early 20s would fight for many reasons, but mostly for the approval of Tyler Durden. They wanted to gain his acceptance. These men first started out fighting, but would later commit acts of terror, based on trying to gain the acceptance of Tyler Durden.
Now, taken the mental disorders out of the occasion (at least the split personality disorder) Knoxville and his army commit acts or bravery (or stupidity) in an effort to make you the viewer laugh. Of course the guys cash in and there is no movement to end capitalism or to resort into a more primitive life styles. But when you watch MTV tonight and see Knoxville in the background scheming, think to yourself, what would Tyler Durden do?
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