
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Consider Growing Fruits and Veggies...

Home Grown Strawberries
I spent some time on Monday Harvesting my Crops. No not Farmsville, the ever so addictive game on facebook, no for the better part of five years I've been growing my own fruits and veggies. Back in October I wrote about my first home grown salad. But I enjoy growing plants. I know I'll never be self reliant, but I think its pretty awesome being able to eat food that I grow. And I don't have some amazing backyard or any backyard to speak of. I have a patio that has planters t hat have harvested all kinds of fruits and veggies over the years. When my strawberries ripe, I harvest them and freeze them. When I have a enough, I used them to make strawberry lemonade. So tasty.
Green Onions
The other thing that has become one of the most useful plants I grow are onions.  Now to be honest, I have only plucked one little onion from my garden, but the green onions, chives, whatever you want to call them enhance about 90% of whatever I cook.  From tacos to spaghetti every meal is enhanced by green onion. 
Besides the sense of pride I have from preparing a meal or a treat for my family, I also find it very relaxing harvesting my goods or watering my plants or just taking care of my garden.  When I'm surrounded by my garden, I have that feeling that life is good. 

You should consider growing your own garden.

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