
Thursday, July 11, 2013

#‎7ElevenDay‬: Free Slurpees Today

"I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on [Slurpee] day? Well, I like [Slurpee] day... #‎7ElevenDay‬

Every July 11th we celebrate one of the most convienet of all convience stores, 7-11. What better way to celebrate than a free Slurpee. And when it's 90 degrees and muggy, it'll be a fantastic treat! One free small Slurpee drink TODAY at 7-Eleven from 11 AM to 7 PM. GO! GO! GO! ‪

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