
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Consider-- World Water Day March 22nd 2012

52 Gallons of Water is used to create a 1 Gallon of Milk. Now it isn't just the preparation of the milk, but to grow the grass that feeds the cow, the water that the cow drinks.

Nature Conservation is something I think far to many of us take for granted our natural resources.  I know I'm guilty of taking a long shower, but March 22nd is World Water Day.  I recently Joined Recycle Bank and encourage all of you to help create awareness and "Make Every Drop Count" this March 22nd. Recycle Bank also has rewards when you sign up.  Learning different ways to conserve, earns you discounts, giftcards, and all kinds of rewards. 

None of us want to live in a world without resources like Mad Max.

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